Tuesday, October 30, 2007

It's That Time!

It is official. NOVEMBER 21, 2007 is the due date for the electronic submission of VADIR data.

If you have any questions, all guidance related information can be found at this site:

A few points to remember:

New guidance is available as of October 11, 2007 so be sure and work with the most current information.

Building level data is submitted in summary form.

Until SED receives the Superintendent's sign off on the building level data, the submission will NOT be considered official.

You can also contact the New York State Center for School Safety if you have any questions. We're available by phone at 845-255-8989; by fax at 845-255-3836; and by email at scss@mhric.org. So please reach out to us. We're happy to help.

Stay safe,

Monday, October 15, 2007

New VADIR Guidance

The new guidance from NYSED is available now. Please click on the title of this entry to head straight to the new glossary. Why? Because it's new!

Especially note the changes to Category 2.2 - Other Sexual Offenses where they have provided additional information related to "mooning" incidents. Those incidents may now be reported either as Category 10 - Intimidation, Harrassment, Menacing or Bullying or as Category 20 - Other Disruptive Incidents depending on the circumstances of the actual incident.

Also, Category 17 has been further expanded. Category 17 is Weapons Possession Only; 17.1 covers weapons confiscated upon entry to the building by scanning; and 17. 2 is now Weapons Found Under Other Circumstances.

Also, according to NYSED "as of October 11, 2007 the VADIR Questions and Answers document is being updated. This document will be posted as soon as it becomes final." So look for the new Q&A soon.

Also, oh so much news, keep checking back because the VADIR reporting due date will also be announced at the NYSED website soon.

Please check the new documents at this link. It's new. Have I mentioned there is new guidance????

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me through comments here at the blog. It's what your trusty VADIR Radar lives for.

Stay safe,

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

What we did over summer vacation

It's back to school time and time to wax nostalgic already about our summer vacations. "What summer vacation?" you may say. Your VR agrees! However, that means that there was a lot of work done over the summer, so let's recap a couple of items of VADIR-interest.....

Ten VADIR updates were held across the State with a turnout of over 1,000 folks. As you know there is always a cadre of new administrators, and folks came ready to learn about the latest news in the reporting system. Contact your regional Student Support Services Center if you would like to schedule a follow-up training in your area.

The current thinking for 06-07 VADIR data submission is: documentation posted at NYSED's website mid-October with a deadline for submission by November 15. REMEMBER, that is the current thinking. Always check this website:


The New York State Center for School Safety's website:


Or come right back here and check in with your trust VR for any notification of an EARLIER or later due date.

Site visits to 100 schools were completed. School staff and teams from NYSED, the NYS Center for School Safety, Regional Student Support Services Centers and BOCES representatives had the opportunity to discuss VADIR reporting and other school safety issues. While the site visit notification may not be like winning the Mega-millions, many school folks said that they learned from the meetings, and the visits will help them report even more accurately this year.

And last, but certainly not least, the VADIR data was reviewed by NYSED who announced the list of Persistently Dangerous schools. You can review that list as well as 05-06 statewide and charter school data at:


So, on this the first day back for many of our students, I'd like to wish you all a safe and successful school year.

Stay safe,

Saturday, August 11, 2007

And Before You Can Say "New Q&A"...

...there is a new one!

Dated August 6, 2007, NYSED has posted the most recent guidance. Of particular note is C-22 which discusses toy guns and E-4 and E-5 discussing further the issue of determining manifestation of disability and reporting.


Stay safe!

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Trainings and Question and Answer Document

Hello folks,

So we turned around and it was August - the month that the ever-popular VADIR road show comes to a theater near you. The official tour schedule can be viewed at http://nyscenterforschoolsafety.org/vadirschedule07.pdf (and in the previous posting). Please call the regional coordinator for your area to register.

Also, your VR just wanted to be sure and let you know that right after the July 23 update session, NYSED posted its updated Q&A Document. The most recent version now available is dated June 25, 2007.


The new Q&A contains new information regarding toy and imitation guns as well as some new language related to the manifestation of disability issue.

Please keep checking back for updates. Also, if you actually read this blog and have a question we would be absolutely tickled to answer one of your posts!

Keep in touch and stay safe!


Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Hazy, Crazy, Not Lazy, VADIR Days of Summer

Hello out there!

Your trusty VR hopes that summer has been just a wealth of fun and relaxation. So consider this a gentle breeze reminding you that Fall will come, and the due date for VADIR reporting will once again appear on your computer.

In that spirit, here is the summer schedule for a VADIR refresher coming to a town near yours.

Please feel free to come and bring any questions you have that may have come up during the previous reporting period. We'll try to answer them, or we'll try to get you the answer. You'll see the region and the contact person to call to register - and please do register - we want to make sure we have enough materials for everyone.

So enjoy the sunny weeks until then. VR

New York Statewide VADIR Training Schedule 2007

August 13
8:30 – 11:00
Western Suffolk BOCES
31 Lee AvenueWheatley Heights, New York 11798
Long Island Region

Contact: Susan Kessler, Regional Coordinator
Phone: (631) 595-6814

August 13
12:00 – 2:30
Nassau BOCES
Long Island Region
71 Clinton Avenue
Garden City, NY

Contact: Pete LaDuca
Phone: 516-396-2388

August 14
Eastern Region
Sand Creek Middle School
329 Sand Creek RdAlbany, NY 12205

Contact: Betsy Morcom-Kenney, Regional Coordinator
Phone: 518- 464-3972

August 15
9:00 – 12:00
Mid-West Region
RIT Inn and Conference Center
5257 West Henrietta Road
W. Henrietta, NY 14586

Contact: Joan Vitkus, Regional Coordinator
Phone: 585-344-7577 (Register with Mary Mayes)

August 16
8:30 – 12:00
Mid-State Region
Roxboro Middle School
300 Bernard Avenue
Syracuse, NY

Contact: Lee Beals, Regional Coordinator
Phone: 315-431-8556

August 20
8:30 – 12:00
Orange-Ulster BOCES
Hudson Valley Region163 Harriman Heights RoadMonroe, NY 10950

Contact: Tammy Rhein, Regional Coordinator
Phone: 845-255-4874

August 23
9:00 – 11:30
Western Region
Michaels Banquet Facility
4885 Southwestern Boulevard
Hamburg, NY 14075

Contact: Jane Ogilvie, Regional Coordinator
Phone: 716-821-7550

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

New home, new neighbors, new address

You guessed it folks! All things VADIR can now be found at a new website address. You should be able to click on the title of this little newsblast, but if that doesn't work copy the address below and paste it into your browser.


You'll find a cornucopia of new information on that site. There are some gems listed so it's worth checking out.

Have you been wondering what some of the questions might be at a site visit? Download the VADIR checklist and take a look.

All of the checklists are there, and they can be useful to you for reviewing the status of your VADIR and Safe and Drug-free Schools programs, and also to review your current safety plan. Hey, why not try it even if you aren't slated for a visit? Some data collection for violence prevention planning!

Don't forget to keep checking back here for some more tidbits on VADIR and to keep checking back at the above listed SED site to make sure you are the most au courante VADIR-ite on your block!

Stay safe,

Friday, April 20, 2007

Virginia Tech

To the whole VA Tech community and all the friends and families of the victims, we send our thoughts and prayers. Today we are all Hokies.


Monday, April 16, 2007

VADIR-ing in the rain

Hello folks,

While Punxatawney Phil and the Farmer's Almanac had different plans for us, spring has not yet sprung.

So as your trusty VR, I wanted to offer some food for thought during this nor'easter that has many folks at home with nothing to do. Why not think about your VADIR data?

One intrepid commenter noted that the school's grants person wanted to incorporate VADIR data into an application they were making. Have you considered using it that way? If you have, let me know. That's what the blog is for - sharing information.

As for updates, things have been pretty quiet on the VADIR system requirement front.
Keep checking back because as soon as I hear it, I'll pass in on!

Stay safe (warm and dry),

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Celebrate the New Year with new Questions and Answers

Happy 2007 to all of you out in VADIR land!

While many of us were celebrating the various and hopefully happy holidays, SED was updating its Question and Answer Document. So if you click on the yellow and green buttons right by the title of this post, or copy and paste this into your browser,

you can see the updated information (December 27) they have provided to assist you as you prepare your summary data for submission by January 26.

"What are the highlights?" you say?

Here are some of the changes:

Section A- Questions 7 & 8 have been added;
Section B-Questions 6, 7, 8 & 9 have been added;
Section E- Question 8-the words "in unsafe schools" have been omitted from the end of the first paragraph.

There is also a new linked format where you can click on the particular section in which you are interested and go directly to that spot.

Your VADIR Radar wishes all of you a very happy, healthy and safe 2007.