Tuesday, November 28, 2006

The Time Has Come......

...And it is January 26th. All VADIR data is due that day. You can access the link to SED's site above here by clicking on the pretty green and yellow dots next to the title of this post, or copy and paste this into your browser:


Don't forget some of the important points:

EVERYONE must submit electronically (BOCES this means you too this year!).

You should be using an October 11, 2006 Glossary for the definition of categories of incidents.

School Districts must submit a VADIR Summary Form for the district. The district VADIR form must contain only information about incidents that are reportable, but not attributable to any school or BOCES within the district. As in prior years, a VADIR form must be completed for each school.

New section on unsafe school choice. Students who are victims of a violent criminal offense or who attend a school designated as persistently dangerous must be offered an opportunity to transfer to a safe school within the Local Educational Agency, including a charter school, if such a transfer is possible. Schools now report counts of students offered and accepting transfers under each of these two types of unsafe school choice.

New item to collect a combined unduplicated count of offenders involved in serious violent incidents. Item 8 is a new item calling for the total number of different individuals involved in serious violent incidents. The categories of serious violent incidents are categories 1-8, plus any incident in categories 9-17 that involved a weapon. For Item 8 only, count each offender only once regardless of how many serious violent incidents the person was involved in as an offender. Treat unknown offenders as separate individuals. (N.b.: the counts of offenders and victims in Item 1 are duplicated counts. That is to say, for Item 1 count each individual each time he or she is an offender or victim.)

Weapons possession incidents: No change for 2005-06, but in 2006-07 weapons found and confiscated through security checks at building entrances will be reported separately from other weapons possession offenses. In completing individual incident reports in 2006-07, indicate whether weapons were confiscated through security screening systems located at the entrance to the school building. The 2006-07 VADIR Summary Form will distinguish those weapons possession incidents from others.

Be sure to keep checking back at the above site - or here, if you're so inclined. And if you are, drop me a comment or two. Does a Vadar Radar make any noise if no one is in the forest to hear it type?

Good luck submitting.

Stay safe,