Saturday, August 11, 2007

And Before You Can Say "New Q&A"...

...there is a new one!

Dated August 6, 2007, NYSED has posted the most recent guidance. Of particular note is C-22 which discusses toy guns and E-4 and E-5 discussing further the issue of determining manifestation of disability and reporting.

Stay safe!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for keeping us up-to-date on this. Hard to believe the school year is about to start again and we need to pay attention to this. But there was that persistently dangerous list mentioned yesterday and news articles in papers today, so guess I need to keep up on any changes! Heard the VADIR team has been busy touring NY from one end to the other. Keep up the good work.

VADIR Raider said...

Thank for checking in Anonymous. It's always a pleasure to know that if someone types in the forest, the keyboard does make noise! And that VADIR information is getting out there.