Friday, July 25, 2008

VADIR News and Notes

While you've been frolicking in the sand and surf, your VR has been gathering some VADIR tidbits to send forth for your information and enjoyment.

The annual event that has become known as the "Summer VADIR Roadshow," rivaling the ever-hoped-for Beatles reunion and ABBA comeback tour, has officially been scheduled.
To view the schedule and a location near you go here. Contact information is included, so please register in advance. While we don't have wristbands, we do want to prevent any scalping at the door!

Can't make it to regional session, you say? Fear not! Keep checking back here for the new and snazzy technology your VR is setting up to help you get the information and to help you train folks in your district.

Thanks to the Ulster BOCES Educational Technology Department, presentations from the New York State Education Department and the New York State Center for School Safety will be availble through videostreaming on the web. You'll get an update on SAVE, an overview of the VADIR reporting system, and instructions on electronically submitting the data.

For a more interactive VADIR learning experience, you'll find the "VADIR 101" webinar which will be available for training folks in your building.

More on both of these coming to a computer near you in mid-August!

If there is another way you can think of that we can spread the word that is VADIR, please comment here. Even if you can't think of one, let us know you're out there!

Stay safe,