Wednesday, May 23, 2007

New home, new neighbors, new address

You guessed it folks! All things VADIR can now be found at a new website address. You should be able to click on the title of this little newsblast, but if that doesn't work copy the address below and paste it into your browser.

You'll find a cornucopia of new information on that site. There are some gems listed so it's worth checking out.

Have you been wondering what some of the questions might be at a site visit? Download the VADIR checklist and take a look.

All of the checklists are there, and they can be useful to you for reviewing the status of your VADIR and Safe and Drug-free Schools programs, and also to review your current safety plan. Hey, why not try it even if you aren't slated for a visit? Some data collection for violence prevention planning!

Don't forget to keep checking back here for some more tidbits on VADIR and to keep checking back at the above listed SED site to make sure you are the most au courante VADIR-ite on your block!

Stay safe,