Friday, October 27, 2006

New News Yet Again - Keep Checking Back

Hello again from VADIR Land!!!
Good to "see" you all again. Glad to know you keep checking back.

Thanks to some alert Deputy Vadir Raiders out there, we have learned the there are new documents posted on the website for your viewing, recording and reporting pleasure!

Remember this website?
Keep checking back. It's critical!

If you can't click on this, you can either click on the pretty green and yellow circles next to the title of this post, or you can copy the above site and paste it in your browser. Keep checking back.

I know, I know. Enough of the technical assistance you say - tell me what's new!

Wait no longer. You will find:

2005-06 Individual Incident Reporting Forms
2005-06 Summary Reporting Forms
10/11/06 Glossary of Terms

There is no formal due date yet, but the site does say the electronic method of submission should be up and running between mid-November and id-December.
So have I mentioned - Keep checking back?????

Stay safe,

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Holla Back - Phone line correction

Hello out there in VADIR land - thanks for checking up on that toll free anonymous reporting line. Here it is again:

1-877-7SAVENY (1-877-772-8369).

The previous post had a few too many numbers - a little bit of toll free VADIR enthusiasm! Your VR has corrected that post and it's correct here, so spread the word.

Stay safe,

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Like the song says - Don't be afraid, just call me!

Who you gonna call? Well, if you have a concern about school safety or violent and disruptive incident reporting, there is a new toll free number you can call. The anonymous school safety reporting hotline is 1-877-7SAVENY (1-877-772-8369).

Here's how it works: You call the number anytime. If it is after business hours you can leave a message. Someone will return your call by the end of the next business day so that you can discuss any school safety issues with someone at the Center.

If you need further information about school safety legislation (SAVE) or VADIR, or any other school safety resources, don't forget to check out the website of the NYS Center for School Safety, Creating Safe Schools - Building by Building.

Stay safe,

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Are Ready for Your Mystery Date????

Hello out there in VADIR Land. Your VADIR Raider has been a bit quiet out on the home front, but it's time for a little refresher for the Blog.

The best laid plans....were for the 05-06 data to be submitted electronically with the BEDS data at the end of October. If you go to the link off of this article, you'll find the lastest from SED. Sometime between Mid-November and Mid-December, the electronic submission forms will be available.

So, keep checking back, either here with your ever-faithful Raider (although the Eagles are Number 1), or at the SED site listed above. There is also a link to the SED site from the New York State Center for School Safety's site at Variety is the spice of life, so try getting to the site from any one of these different portals!

Please feel free to post questions or comments. You can also email questions to

Stay safe,