Monday, December 04, 2006

New York State Center Website Change

Hi folks,
Thanks to an intrepid reader, your VR is reminded that the NYS Center for School Safety has recently changed its web address. It's linked above with the yellow and green dots, but is also right here for your convenience:

At this page you will find links to the presentation materials that have been used for VADIR trainings, links to the Question and Answer Document that SED provides, as well as links to other SAVE related issues for schools.

The direct page for the Q&A site is:

Thanks for reading and stay safe,

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

The Time Has Come......

...And it is January 26th. All VADIR data is due that day. You can access the link to SED's site above here by clicking on the pretty green and yellow dots next to the title of this post, or copy and paste this into your browser:

Don't forget some of the important points:

EVERYONE must submit electronically (BOCES this means you too this year!).

You should be using an October 11, 2006 Glossary for the definition of categories of incidents.

School Districts must submit a VADIR Summary Form for the district. The district VADIR form must contain only information about incidents that are reportable, but not attributable to any school or BOCES within the district. As in prior years, a VADIR form must be completed for each school.

New section on unsafe school choice. Students who are victims of a violent criminal offense or who attend a school designated as persistently dangerous must be offered an opportunity to transfer to a safe school within the Local Educational Agency, including a charter school, if such a transfer is possible. Schools now report counts of students offered and accepting transfers under each of these two types of unsafe school choice.

New item to collect a combined unduplicated count of offenders involved in serious violent incidents. Item 8 is a new item calling for the total number of different individuals involved in serious violent incidents. The categories of serious violent incidents are categories 1-8, plus any incident in categories 9-17 that involved a weapon. For Item 8 only, count each offender only once regardless of how many serious violent incidents the person was involved in as an offender. Treat unknown offenders as separate individuals. (N.b.: the counts of offenders and victims in Item 1 are duplicated counts. That is to say, for Item 1 count each individual each time he or she is an offender or victim.)

Weapons possession incidents: No change for 2005-06, but in 2006-07 weapons found and confiscated through security checks at building entrances will be reported separately from other weapons possession offenses. In completing individual incident reports in 2006-07, indicate whether weapons were confiscated through security screening systems located at the entrance to the school building. The 2006-07 VADIR Summary Form will distinguish those weapons possession incidents from others.

Be sure to keep checking back at the above site - or here, if you're so inclined. And if you are, drop me a comment or two. Does a Vadar Radar make any noise if no one is in the forest to hear it type?

Good luck submitting.

Stay safe,

Friday, October 27, 2006

New News Yet Again - Keep Checking Back

Hello again from VADIR Land!!!
Good to "see" you all again. Glad to know you keep checking back.

Thanks to some alert Deputy Vadir Raiders out there, we have learned the there are new documents posted on the website for your viewing, recording and reporting pleasure!

Remember this website?
Keep checking back. It's critical!

If you can't click on this, you can either click on the pretty green and yellow circles next to the title of this post, or you can copy the above site and paste it in your browser. Keep checking back.

I know, I know. Enough of the technical assistance you say - tell me what's new!

Wait no longer. You will find:

2005-06 Individual Incident Reporting Forms
2005-06 Summary Reporting Forms
10/11/06 Glossary of Terms

There is no formal due date yet, but the site does say the electronic method of submission should be up and running between mid-November and id-December.
So have I mentioned - Keep checking back?????

Stay safe,

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Holla Back - Phone line correction

Hello out there in VADIR land - thanks for checking up on that toll free anonymous reporting line. Here it is again:

1-877-7SAVENY (1-877-772-8369).

The previous post had a few too many numbers - a little bit of toll free VADIR enthusiasm! Your VR has corrected that post and it's correct here, so spread the word.

Stay safe,

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Like the song says - Don't be afraid, just call me!

Who you gonna call? Well, if you have a concern about school safety or violent and disruptive incident reporting, there is a new toll free number you can call. The anonymous school safety reporting hotline is 1-877-7SAVENY (1-877-772-8369).

Here's how it works: You call the number anytime. If it is after business hours you can leave a message. Someone will return your call by the end of the next business day so that you can discuss any school safety issues with someone at the Center.

If you need further information about school safety legislation (SAVE) or VADIR, or any other school safety resources, don't forget to check out the website of the NYS Center for School Safety, Creating Safe Schools - Building by Building.

Stay safe,

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Are Ready for Your Mystery Date????

Hello out there in VADIR Land. Your VADIR Raider has been a bit quiet out on the home front, but it's time for a little refresher for the Blog.

The best laid plans....were for the 05-06 data to be submitted electronically with the BEDS data at the end of October. If you go to the link off of this article, you'll find the lastest from SED. Sometime between Mid-November and Mid-December, the electronic submission forms will be available.

So, keep checking back, either here with your ever-faithful Raider (although the Eagles are Number 1), or at the SED site listed above. There is also a link to the SED site from the New York State Center for School Safety's site at Variety is the spice of life, so try getting to the site from any one of these different portals!

Please feel free to post questions or comments. You can also email questions to

Stay safe,

Monday, August 21, 2006

New Blip on the VADIR Radar - NEW GLOSSARY

Hello out there in VADIR land! So you do trainings for 750 people, and the day after you step off the road, guess what??? New guidance!! Don'tcha hate it when that happens? So onward and upward.

There is new guidance out in the Glossary. You will find the glossary at this site: Don't be fooled by the fact that the page looks no different. Click on the "Glossary" and you'll see that there has been extra clarification added to several categories.

Take a look at the examples of #8 Reckless Endangerment.
Review the examples of #7 Physical Injury.
Also check out the specifics for #5 Arson.

Also, in a lightening flash of forward thinking, go ahead and take a look at the 06-07 requirement under #17 Weapons Possession Only. There is now a subcategory 17.2 that will be used NEXT YEAR - NOT THIS YEAR - to capture data about weapons that are confiscated by scanners or metal detectors and such. So be ready for that as you look to next year's reporting.

Several trainings options are still available:
North Country 8/28 in Canton from 8:30 to 12:00.
Hudson Valley 8/23 in New Paltz, and 9/13 at Southern Westchester BOCES.

Keep checking in.
Your friendly neighborhood VADIR updater!

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

July 28 2006 New Q&A Document

Extra, Extra, Read All About It - It Being VADIR.

So the latest edition has hit the web. Check out the updated VADIR Questions and Answers. Where, where, where can I read that, you say? Well just point and click!

If the point and click method doesn't work, just copy the address above and paste it in your browser. That will get you there too. Consider yourself current!


Friday, July 21, 2006

Got VADIR????

New blips on the VADIR RADAR!!

You've been waiting with bated breath...and here they are. VADIR trainings across the State. Bring your team. Bring your questions. Those questions that can't be answered at that very moment will be recorded and sent on to SED for the absolute correct answer!

So below is a list of locations, dates and contact numbers. Call up the person in your region. Sign up!

August 7: Mid-West, Genesee Valley BOCES, Contact Joan Vitkus, 585-344-7571

August 8: Mid-South, GST BOCES Bush Campus, Bldg 1 Conference Room ABC, 459 Philo Road, Elmira, NY, Contact Colleen Hurd, 607-739-3581

August 9: Mid-State, OCM BOCES, Contact Lee Beals, 315-431-8557

August 10: West, Michael's Banquet Facility, Contact Jane Olgivie, 716-821-7550

August 15 & 16: Long Island, Western Suffolk BOCES & Nassau BOCES, Contact Susan Kessler, 631-242-1128

August 23: Hudson Valley, Ulster BOCES Conference Center, 175 Route 32 North, New Paltz, NY, Click here for a map and directions. Contact Teresa Pabon, 845-255-4874

TBA: Capital Region, Best Western, Wolf Road, Albany, Contact Kay Bradley, 518-464-3975

Training for Violent and Disruptive Incident Reporting (VADIR): Training will be provided to all public school districts, BOCES and charter schools this summer on VADIR. This training will assist schools with the legal requirements on what and how to report violent and disruptive incidents. Each public school district, BOCES and charter school will be asked to send a team of four representatives to one of the day-long regional training sessions that will be scheduled in August. The teams should include the superintendent or designee, a building principal representative, a representative of the teachers’ union, and a person with primary responsibility for accurate completion of VADIR forms.

Looking forward to seeing you all there!
Stay Safe -

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

July 11, 2006 New VADIR Questions and Answers

Hot off the presses!! Got Questions? NYSED's got Answers. The newest edition of the VADIR Questions & Answers documents is dated July 11, 2006 and is available for your viewing pleasure at

Not quite finding the answers you need, call 845-255-8989. You can also access the website of the New York State Center for School Safety, Resources, resources. If you don't ask, we can't help. Check them out.

Also, keep coming back here or to the NYS Center's website for the regional VADIR trainings that will be coming to a theater, or training room, near you! Look for the date and time in your region during the first couple of weeks in August.
Stay safe!

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Regional VADIR Trainings - Keep Checking Back

Beginning in August, there will be regional technical assistance sessions about the current VADIR reporting requirements. As soon as time and locations are confirmed, we'll post them here with more information available through the website of the New York State Center for School Safety.

That site is filled with vital and, yes, I'll say it, wonderful information related to SAVE compliance, youth development, violence prevention and policy resources. Check it out!

And keep coming back for VADIR updates. That's what the VADIR Radar is all about - sightings, sitings, citings and information about the VADIR reporting system.

Stay safe!

Thursday, May 25, 2006

VADIR Comments Welcomed

You may have read the media-related articles regarding the VADIR system. Please feel free to post your comments to this blog